Get 3000 Hours Real YouTube Watchtime

Platinum Plan
Get 3000 HRS YouTube Watchtime Rs.9,000
3000 hours Non-Drop YouTube Watchtime in ₹ 9,000 Rs.

1656 Customer Reviews

Are you worried about your YouTube channel monetization? Here is the Solution. Digital Buddha Solutions has brought a monetization plan for all the YouTube content creators. In just Rs. 9000/- we are providing 1000 hours watch time with Subscribers and Views as per your requirements.

3000 hours watch time achieved
Reasonable pricing
committed customer service.
Non-Drop Watchtime
Trusted by 1,00,000 users

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Are you worried about your YouTube channel monetization? Here is the Solution. AdsTube has brought a monetization plan for all the YouTube content creators. In just Rs. 9,000/- we are providing 3000 hours watch time with Subscribers and Views as per your requirements. If you only want to increase your channel’s watch time then also, we can provide you, without any affecting your existing subscribers and watch time. We know this offer might wondering you, but trust us and be comfortable talking to our experts. For the past few years, we are delivering our services to most YouTube creators without practicing unlawful activities on their YouTube channel.

Buy YouTube Watch Time

YouTube can now claim to be a country with 2.6 billion residents who are constantly interacting with each other by creating or watching videos. Millions of videos are created and uploaded per minute on this site, making it difficult to discover new content conventionally. As the number of channels that create content surpasses 50 million, YouTubers seek more exposure and visibility by taking advantage of the opportunities the YouTube ranking algorithms create. The algorithm changes its metrics constantly to make it harder for fake engagement to take over, and its latest metric is “watch time.” In this article, we will discuss everything there is to know about buying YouTube Watch Time. If you are a YouTuber struggling to boost your channel, here is one great trick you could use.

Why Buy YouTube Watch Time?

YouTube Watch Time or Watch Hour is the total duration viewers spend watching a video. This does not include “refreshing” the page. That is why this metric is more valuable than the number of views. Now, one of the main goals of YouTubers is to make money. It would be best to have a channel with at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in 12 months. This is a rule YouTube set as of early 2018, changing its previous rule, which established that you needed 10,000 views to monetize your channel, no matter how big it was. This has made monetizing the channel harder than before. Remember that these 4000 hours shall be collected within 12 consecutive months for this rule to apply to your channel. That means, no matter when a specific video has been posted, it must gain 4000 watch hours in the past year. Moreover, this only applies to “public” videos.

These are tough conditions, especially for new YouTubers. That is how buying YouTube Watch Time comes to play. For beginners, that seems almost the only choice for monetizing.

Benefits of buying YouTube Watch Time

Some of the benefits of buying YouTube Watch Time are the following:
    • Generating Social Proof

    • Increasing SERP Ranking

    • Earning More “Real” Views

    • Building Credibility

    • Making Money

    • Creating Opportunities

YouTube Subscribers vs. YouTube Watch Time

A very reasonable question would be, should you invest in buying subscribers or watch time then? While both are important metrics, more subscriptions do not necessarily increase your watch time. The answer to the question depends somewhat on what you want to achieve and what stage of the process your channel is currently on. If you are heading for monetizing your channel, you would need the watch hours than subscribers (as discussed above). Still, if you have already monetized your channel and want it to grow, you’d better go for buying subscribers to gain more views and likes and boost the ranking of your videos. If you are “hunting” for brands to notice you, you must be careful not to have disproportionate subscribers and watch hours because that may not appeal to those brands. But if, in such a case, you still want to invest, we suggest you go for subscribers. Still, keep an eye on the balance of your metrics to be as appealing to potential sponsors as possible.

Jon D. William, 10 Jan, 2023 . 4:00 pm

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Aleesha Brown, 12 Feb, 2023 . 8:00 pm

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